The patRIOT Letters

If words are all we have...

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Location: Canaan, CT, United States

Living, working and traveling on waves of possibilities.

Saturday, November 10, 2001

From the e-mail bin - Rejr

Subject: Troops have no business in public places...

Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2001 15:11:39 -0600

From: "Bernard Re, Jr."

Organization: Inter-Vitae, Inc.



re: Bangor Daily News, Maine, USA: Green Party activist denied Chicago flight [ read ]

To Jeff Tuttle:

Thanks Jeff.

I hope we don't have the see a Kent State happen all over again
before everyone gets the point that troops have no place in public
places in this county. Unless they are being placed there to go to war
with the American people and the Constitution.

Bernie Re

What ever happened to, "and they shall be know by their works." How about letting our works speak in support of justice, freedom, end to poverty, access to medicine and other people building works be our "selling points"? Not more manipulative, reality blurring, drum beating empty slogans, flag waving images, patriotic travel and auto, insurance ads or the "America's New War" news branding complete with theme songs. Or is our country already known by these manipulative self-centered works? Is this part of the reason we are in this fix? - Rejr

11/09/2001 - Updated 01:46 AM ET

Ad experts take fight to a new front

By Michael McCarthy, USA TODAY

The State Department has named former Ogilvy & Mather chairman Charlotte Beers as undersecretary for public diplomacy and public affairs. Her mission: Sell America's perspective on terrorism overseas - particularly in Muslim nations...

The White House is working closely with the Advertising Council to create U.S. public service ads supporting the war effort and raising morale. The industry group was founded as the "War Advertising Council" in 1942, shortly after Pearl Harbor...

They all end with a smiling Mayor Rudy Giuliani. "The New York Miracle. Be a part of it,"

[read full story]

There's something happening here. What it is is becoming ever more clear... - Rejr

Ashcroft faces fight over order on eavesdropping

Knight Ridder Newspapers


Washington — A sweeping Department of Justice anti-terrorism rule that allows eavesdropping on certain defendants and their attorneys unjustly arms authorities with extraordinary power to target anyone suspected of planning violent crimes, defense lawyers and civil rights advocates say.

Without a court order, Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft can approve electronic surveillance of attorneys and their clients for up to one year if he believes the conversations could threaten national security or cause someone's death or injury.

"That is not the war that warrants the destruction of our fundamental liberties that we have known for two centuries."

All eavesdropping records, including the names of those targeted, will not be accessible to the public.

"This is an unprecedented power grab that is at odds with the Constitution,"

The government's power to pursue and arrest suspects has expanded with the enactment of the Patriot Act, an anti-terrorism bill that permits authorities to use information in intelligence-gathering operations to make criminal cases.

Ashcroft did not rely on that act to impose the new rule allowing federal prison and immigration officials to eavesdrop on visits, conversations, phone calls and mail between targeted inmates and their attorneys. He has the authority under a previous congressional act.

The rule applies when the head of a law enforcement or intelligence agency has a "reasonable suspicion" an inmate may be conspiring to commit terrorism or violence.

It's up to Ashcroft to conclude whether surveillance of the inmate's conversations with his attorney is warranted.

[read full story]

Related: From The Denver Post - Thursday, November 08, 2001 - Were you aware that the attorney general of the United States now has the power to arrest someone without probable cause, hold that person without presenting evidence, and ultimately give that person a life sentence without ever having a trial? [Return of the king]

Prudent action or the framework for a police state? - Rejr

Agencies' redesign shifts war on terror

By Karen Gullo - Associated Press Writer


Washington — The Bush administration on Thursday announced a sweeping redesign of federal law enforcement, the first step in transforming America's security and intelligence agencies for the 21st century fight against terrorism.

Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft submitted to Congress his "wartime reorganization and mobilization" plan. It will shift 10 percent of the resources and jobs from the nation's capital to field offices, and add FBI agents, immigration screeners and prosecutors.

"The war on terrorism will not be fought in Washington but in the field by agents," Ashcroft said. He said the FBI would focus more on preventing terrorist acts and less on solving traditional crimes that local police could handle.

The CIA chief would gain control over three large military intelligence agencies that now are part of the Defense Department, according to a U.S. official familiar with the draft proposals.

[read full story]

Thursday, November 08, 2001

Ever wonder how good ideas go bad and events conspire against us...

I wonder what color their shirts will be?

[history lesson | 1 | 2]

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

(imagine cartoon)

(image numeral 1) "Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act"
(image plus sign) +
(image numeral 1) "The Patriot Act"
(image equals sign) = "Freedom..." do anything they want!

(rejr balloon) ...nice veil.

(imagine cartoon)

(image AIRPLANE) "The right to fly."

(image RxPILL) "The right to die."

Not according to Brother Ascroft.

(rejr balloon) ...same thing?

Related: State challenges Ashcroft [ story]

Sunday, November 04, 2001

Subject: FW:

Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 09:35:12 -0500



>A Native American grandfather was talking

>to his grandson about how he felt

>about the tragedy.


>He said, "I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my


>One wolf is the vengeful, angry, violent one.


>The other wolf is the loving, compassionate one".


>The grandson asked him, "Which wolf will win the fight in
your heart?"


>The grandfather answered, "The one I feed."




- Anonymous author